Autostart Programs in the KDE < 4

Usually we need a direct application running on time we entry on X-Window KDE, without the need every time we running the programs when we entry X-Window KDE.
In KDE there is a way to make the program / application in every entry on KDE program will run.
Following this steps:

1. Making a link directly from the application
[mopheat@localhost ~]$ ln -s /usr/bin/minbar `mopheat/.kde/Autostart/
2. Create by using bash script:
[mopheat@localhost ~]$cd `mopheat/.kde/Autostart/
[mopheat@localhost Autostart]$vi otomatis
enter the command to call the programs that desired into the otomatis
(can be more than one)
continue to add access rights execution

3. Download additional tool Control Center Autostart
